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執筆者の写真: Hideki KobayashiHideki Kobayashi





1. ウズラの雛の可愛さは異常

2. ウズラの孵化に挑戦

3. ヒメウズラ、孵りました。









King quail hatched.

Yesterday, due to the influence of typhoon No. 15, Manaduru was out of power from 2 am to 10 am. I was honestly impressed. Just because the King quail chicks crawl and needed to warm up to 38 degrees. When a power failure occurred at midnight, I thought that the remaining heat of the small animal heater would be enough for a short time. However, the power outage continued in the morning, so we prepared 300ml plastic bottles with hot water to keep warm. This was placed next to a breeding box (plastic case for insects) and covered with an aluminum sheet for heat insulation. I was really impatient.

Today I would like to introduce you about quail.

1. The cuteness of quail chicks is unusual

2. Challenge to hatch quail

3. The King quail has been beaten.

The cuteness of quail chicks is abnormal

I think that it was five or six years ago, but I went to the general public of the Agricultural Research Organization in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. At that time, a large amount of quail chicks were on display. It was tightly packed in a disk-shaped case with a diameter of about 1m. I was fascinated by the loveliness and watched it for a while. Of course, since it is open to the public, there are many visitors, but it was especially popular with children. I was afraid to touch a figure that was too small, but the children were kind enough to put them on their palms. It was surprising that such adorable chicks were born when the quail eggs sold at that supermarket were beaten. At that time, the phrase that came to mind

"The cuteness of quail chicks is unusual"

Challenge to hatch quail

So, I also challenged to hatch quail eggs. The quail was made smaller than a regular quail. Ordinary quail chicks were small and cute, so I expected that a smaller quail would be even cuter. I bought 15 quail eggs of the King quail sold on the Internet. In addition, we purchased an incubator with an automatic egg turning device (LifeBasis) from Amazon and warmed it at 38 degrees. The automatic tumble device has a groove that hooks the end of the outer frame arranged in a frame partitioned by a sill, and the rotor rod attached to the upper cover hooks there, rolling the egg regularly was designed to be. It is necessary to add water to the inside, but if you open the cover at that time, the internal temperature will drop. Even if you open the cover to observe the eggs, the temperature will drop. It was an incubator that was a little difficult to use.

The King quail has been beaten.

Seven out of 15 quail eggs roasted 17 days after starting to warm eggs with an incubator. The King quail chick was really small and almost the same size as a plastic bottle cap. The chicks that have been cooked need to be raised in an environment of 38 degrees, so a pet heater is installed and warmed. We recorded the appearance of hatched chicks on day 0 and day 1. I uploaded it to YouTube, so I think it's an interesting video for those who like quail and those who are interested in King quail.



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